Yet Another Financial Firm Founder Suicided In Manhattan, FDA Outright Lies About Proven Correlation Between Sudden Deaths and Covid Killshots, Joe Bidens Like Mr. Magooas Idle-Headed as Any President Weve Ever Seen Senator Ted Cruz Indicates Joe Biden Has More Classified Documents Lying Around. Director pushing Zio-Nazi Tyrant Zelensky into perpetuating an unwinnable war?! Only male members of the family were allowed to participate in the business. (Video), Inside Pfizer and AstraZenecas UKRAINIAN BIOLAB! All 6 get their news from Reuters and the Associated Press. WATCH! The claim has also appeared on Twitter and websites. Will We Fall For the Latest Expert Psyop Protecting Pfizer from Criminal Liability? Zio-Nazi Tyrant Zelensky continues the Ukrainian genocide to the tune of 500 troops killed after Wagner forces closed the encirclement of Soledar. (Video), BREAKING: Calgary pastor arrested after protesting all-ages drag show at public library (Videos), 90 Million Vaccines Making Their Way Canada: Federal Records, Londons Khazarian-Installed Mayor Pulls Out The Far Right CardAGAIN! DOMESTIC FLIGHT DEPARTURES HALTED, A Truly Terrible American Tragedy Is About To Unfold. (Video), Second Amendment Works Video Shows What Happens When You Steal A Purse From A Woman In Texas, The Best Video On Climate Change That You Will Ever See, MORE BLACK OPS BY KIEV! 360-Degree Surveillance: How Police Use Public-Private Partnerships To Spy On Americans, WOW!!!!!!!!!!! Marjorie Taylor Greene Attacked in a Restaurant Never Even Noticed These People Until They Turned Into Demons, Rep. Jim Jordan Asks Why DOJ Hasnt Appointed a Special Counsel for Hunter Biden, Woke Doctor Who Was Vaxxed Several Times And Always Masked Up Has A Colossal Meltdown After Receiving Her COVID Diagnosis, Did Super RINO Speaker McCarthy Just Pull a Huge BAIT AND SWITCH? Tucker Carlson and Staff Are NOT Allowed To Record or Remove J6 Surveillance Footage From US Capito, Watch Mayorkas beg Josh Hawley for forgiveness after bombshell Hunter laptop reveal at hearing (Video). In 1906, the U.S. stock market was setting all kinds of records. The vast majority of UFOs, ET sighting and other mysterious space phenomena are manmade as in Made in the USA. THE BARBARIANS ARE NOT ONLY INSIDE THE GATE.. State of Florida Issues Official Health Alert on mRNA COVID-19 Vaccine Safety, The Single Most Important Video This Year. Rothschild's takeover of Livingstone, which provides mergers and acquisitions services and financing advice to mid-sized British companies, follows its acquisition in July of a minority stake in . Russian President Signs Law Suspending START Nuclear Treaty, The irrespressible anarchist Woody Harrelson is about to be cancelledFOREVER!!! Only a Khazarian-installed cultural marxist can be cured so quickly! Rothschild owns the gold and diamond mines of S. Africa and major extractive industries such as Rio Tinto and British Petroleum. The US meat supply may soon be widely contaminated with mRNA proteins from biotech vaccines, FBI Official Who Investigated Trump Russia Collusion Arrested for Colluding With Russia. He left 3 million dollars in the hands of Mayer Rothschild to pay the Hessian solders. Do you see how these Pharma mafiosos really work in corrupting the US Congress?! He left instruction that the amount of the inheritance must never be made public, that secrecy and ruthlessness must be used in all business practices and that family members must intermarry with their own relatives to keep the family fortune all in the same family. They control theLBMA, London Bullion Market Association, where 30 to 40 million ounces of gold, worth over 11 billion dollars are traded daily. Lithium Battery Storage Warehouse BLAZING INFERNO in France (Video), KILLING FIELDS 2023: Vaxxed-triggered violence rages across America DY KHAZARIAN DESIGN, Russia is gearing up for war with NATO after defense firm delivers new batch of T-90M main battle tanks to Russian troops, Directed Energy Weapons Have Weaponized Space and the Environment (Video), How did this HUGE Covid vaccine-induced injury revelation ever make it onto the premier MSM platform of the CIAs Mockingbird Media?!?!?! Reuters is owned by Thomson Reuters, a Canadian information news company, according to Britannica. With advanced knowledge of the British victory, Nathan Rothschild spread lies that the British had been defeated, which caused a crash in the value of British Government bonds. The narrative is collapsing (Video), Beware because its entirely true: Scientific Research Papers now documenting the Acute Psychosis caused by COVID-19 Vaccinations, Kievs troops were among the test subjects for Pentagon-funded research in Ukrainian biolabs, Israel illegally attacks Iran and Iraq with drone strikes, YIKES! ), AP is an independent, not-for-profit news cooperative, owned by no one, said Lauren Easton, an AP spokesperson, in an email to Check Your Fact. [2] The Rothschilds control a vast portion of the world's wealth and are the hidden hand behind all the social-cataclysms: the French, Russian and American Revolutions; Communism . Dopey Hakeem Jeffries Hurls Insults, Lies, Slander Against Republicans Talking Q-Anon, Mar-a-Lago, Kangaroo Courts after McCarthy Voted Speaker (VIDEO). Anyone who disputed this arrangement would lose their interest in the Estate. Bazanga! These businesses are owned by the holding company Rothschilds Continuation Holdings AG and are supported by a network of offices spanning five continents. Is The Red Scare Going Blue? Thomson-Reuters is owned by Thomson, a Toronto based media company. In it, he laid down specific laws by which the House that bore his name would operate in future years. Even the World Government Summit in Dubai is talking about manufacturing global crises by which to conduct the Great Reset. Lionel Walter Rothschild, 2nd Baron Rothschild, in full Lionel Walter Rothschild, 2nd Baron Rothschild of Tring, (born February 8, 1868, London, Englanddied August 27, 1937, Tring, Buckinghamshire), British zoologist who became a great collector and founded the Rothschild Natural History Museum in London. The Power Of The Rothschilds - Re-Investigation Of 9/11 Campaign Gains World Momentum: Italy Supreme Court Submits U.S. 9/11 Crimes Against Humanity To International Criminal Tribunal! Swiss Police And Military Are Setting Up Roadblocks and Checking Finger Prints Near WEF Summit (Video), Woke University of Southern California Removes the Word Fields Because its Racist Vows to Reject White Supremacy, HUGE: Matt Gaetz Reveals Republicans Will Release the 14,000 Hours of J6 Tapes That Have Been Hidden (VIDEO), SICK: Self- Proclaimed TransCanine OnlyFans Model Gets Fired for Posting Sex Acts with Dogs, Rep Byron Donalds Wife Erika: The Most Racist Attacks We Experience Are Always From the Left, Democrats Violent Bolshevism Goes Unprosecuted Even When A US Senator Is Attacked, All American hospitals literally got paid BIG BUCKS to murder falsely diagnosed Covid patients with poisonous Remdesivir and other dangerous protocols! The red hexagon shield was the symbol for the world revolutionary movement. (Video), GOTCHA! [1] [2] It employs around 2,500 journalists and 600 photojournalists in about 200 locations worldwide. And the MSM is mum on he matter!!! International Banks and Multinational Corporations. Chase Manhattan Bank of New York. due to blatant propaganda and misinformation, No Immunity For Pfizer Murderers Criminal Pfizer Execs Committed Genocide (video), BREAKING>>> Police Body Cam Video Released of Paul Pelosi Attack PELOSI WAS IN HIS UNDERWEAR GRAPHIC VIDEO. Exclusive CRYSTAL CLEAR Video of Rosanne Boyland as She DIED on Steps of US Capitol on January 6 WHY WONT THE POLITICIANS & MEDIA SAY HER NAME? Afghanistan: Bank of Afghanistan Albania: Bank of Albania US Department of Defense owns, implements, oversees Covid-19 vaccine program (Video), Dr. Naomi Wolf Publishes Best Forensic Source for Attorneys Inbox (Videos). Polands rabid Russophobia has driven it insane to start World War III. (Video), COVIDISM: The Fastest Growing Religion In The World. After the war, Opium poured into China on an even greater scale and her Emperors were powerless to stop it. Elon Musks Twitter hit with holocaust denial hate speech lawsuit in Germany, Propaganda and Censorship Dominate the Information War. (Video), Like 9/11, We Are Witnessing The Controlled Demolition of the American Empire, The Non-Human Element & the Plans for a Fake Alien Invasion (Video), More than ever, our youth are being stealthily acculturated through a form of Tavistock-level hypnosis and social engineering. Reuters owns AP and Rothschilds own Reuters," reads the claim. ), How convenient: the lights go out during Twitter hearing in DC. Report alleges grim scale of child abuse by clergy in Portugal, In Case You Missed It: Images of Little Devils Spotted At Super Bowl Pre-Game Show. Medical Doctor Skewers the Multinational Pharmaceutical Complex & Vaccine Cartels, CDC Confirms That Majority of Fatal Covid Vaccines Were Knowingly Sent to Red States (Video), INSTANT KARMA?! What caused the bright blue light that flashed multiple times in Turkey before massive earthquakes?! Rothschild sold to drive the price down and then bought all the bonds back at rock bottom prices. Florida Surgeon General Joe Ladapo Falsely Accused After Absurdly Contrived Sting Operation by, Florida Surgeon General Warns Life-Threatening VAERS Reports Up 4,400 Percent Since COVID-19 Vaccine Rollout, Biden team has deeply rooted hatred for Russia US congressman. Thomson Reuters, originally Reuters, is a Canadian information services company. UNBELIEVABLY HEARTBREAKING J6 VIDEO! Among them ATNT, ITT, General Electric, General Motors and Du Pont. Mayer Amschel Bauer was the son of a goldsmith and loan-shark, called Moses Amschel Bauer, who hung a red hexagon shield over the doorway of his shop. There is no evidence the Rothschild family owns Reuters or AP. Rothschild controls the message of who really owns $500 trillion of hidden untaxed wealth equal to half of annual world GDP. Father of Khazarian-Installed Congressional Hitman and Closet Communist Jamie Raskin Was Founder of the Marxist Institute for Policy Studies, The Well-Hidden Truths About The Khazarian-Engineered Ukraine War, Movement Picking Up Steam In Floridas Political Circles. The Private Rothschild Federal Bank Was Spirited Into The United States Between 1:30am - 4:00am 1913 - Rothschild purchases Reuters News Agency around 1888. NEW INFORMATION REVEALS DOCUMENT WAS AUTHORED BY US GOVERNMENT ITSELF! The Brits pick a fight with India and then get busted upside the head with a four by four. Reuters is not just the #1 news agency in the world, providing a huge chunk of the BS you hear every day on TV and radio. OPERATION SANDMAN now activated Saudi Arabia announces END of dollar dominance in global oil trade the dominoes begin to fall on the US empire, HOLY MOLY! Dozens Of WikiLeaks Cables Show US Knew NATO Expansion Was Russias Bright Red Line, HUGE!
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