Hero, Cosmic, Bio, Blaster, Fantastic Four, Marvel 80th. All in all, this team has potential and can bring you victories when you dont have any other solutions. Hydra Armored Guard is a typical protector who delivers piercing damage and can taunt his enemies while clearing negative effects from himself and healing himself. This ability bypasses Heal Block and heals him additionally for up to 4000 Health. His price is 45 shards obtainable through Arena Store. The passive ability allows him to attack the most injured target in Stealth at the start of each turn and clears Stealth from those targets(unavoidable). He has a natural synergy with Magneto and Toad and can adopt buffs from other Brotherhood allies. Jessicas ultimate hits the primary target for 300% of her base damage and clears positive effects from the enemy. Cyclops is a Mutant Blaster who uses devastating X-rays from his eyes to weaken and harm his enemies. Wasp is highly elusive blaster capable of stunning and chaining to multiple opponents. Her ability to place Bleed and Defense Down will be heavily exploited by the rest of the Weapon X team making her an important piece of this amazing synergy. In Raids, if Captain America (Sam) isan ally, it reduces the Speed Bar of her target by 25%. His second skill delivers attack which is unavoidable and inflicts massive damage against a single target. All targets affected with Bleed receive additional attack that causes minimal piercing damage. His second skill deals medium damage to the primary target but has a high chance to chain to up to 9 adjacent targets. Recently all members of this team become farmable making Fantastic Four team even more important than before. He must be equipped with Raider ISO-8 class because all his skills are significantly empowered after critical strikes. Additionally, the damage of entire Infinity Watch teams is permanently increased by up to 30%. Like all straight-forward healers, Night Nurse needs the Healer ISO-8 class to improve his healing and survivability. S.H.I.E.L.D. Passive ability grants him and all Sinister Six allies up to 20% Block chance, up to 40% Max Health, and 10000% Resistance against Offense Down (for all allies). Uncategorized. His first skill causes medium damage which is increased depending on the number of non-cloned Marauder allies. Wolverines ultimate assassinate target for 610% Piercing damage and applies Offense Up on Wolverine if his health is under 50%. Her special skill grants her Charge (first clear Charge if she is already Charged), places Barrier equal to up 20% of her Max Health, clear all negative effects for her and allies, places Immunity to her and all Mutant Villain allies and applies Slow to all enemies (on max Level). In Marvel Strike Force, Ravager Bruiser is a Ravager minion who protects his allies. Passive Ability grants him increased Resistance and Focus and also increases the Resistance of Namor and the Fantastic Four allies. Taskmaster himself is very powerful and he will assist every Mercenary Villain member action until the end of combat or until he dies, making this team more dangerous than any Ms. Marvel/Brawler combination because Taskmaster will under the effect of Offense Up almost the entire battle. Longshots ultimate assassinates the primary target for up to 550% damage with 50% increased Critical Chance. Without Passive level 5, Taskmaster is drastically less powerful. Her first skill inflicts medium damage 2 times in a row and applies Slow and Bleed. allies at the start of combat. The synergy between Avengers is really improved and now some Heros who were average before can be a real menace to any enemy team. Deathpool combines her fathers love of brawling with her mothers incredible supernatural powers. His first skill inflicts medium damage but it can chain to 3 additional targets. Although Hand Assassins price is only 15 shards, she may be hard to get because she is obtainable only through premium orbs and violent vigilant orbs before you unlock the 7-6 Villain Campaign mission. Her special ability infuses all Wakandan allies with Defense Up, grants them 1 Charge up to the maximum of 5 and grants 1-2 ability energy to 2 random allies and 1 random Wakandan ally. In that case, you could emphasize the healing of the team with the Healer class. Hawkeyes ultimate inflicts up to 190% of his base damage to all enemy targets and slows them in the process. Cable is a powerful Mutant Blaster who works best with Deadpool and the rest of the X-Force team. IF we talk about Iso-8 Class, Colleen can be developed in 2 directions depending on the classes of the rest of her Hero for Hire team. Kestrel cant be debuffed, she has Offense Up as long as needed, her defense is impenetrable and attacks are devastating. Since I cannot place her in any but the totally random custom team I think that it is irrelevant what ISO-8 class should be bestowed upon her. Her second skill causes medium damage to the single target, clears up to 2 positive effects, and applies Offense Down. Sif is a decent Protector with a huge block chance if she is in a fully Asgardian team. Additionally, Colleen is granted up to 3 Deflects, and her damage is increased by 30% piercing damage for each Hero for Hire in the team. His first skill inflicts medium damage to the primary target and chains to up to 4 adjacent targets changing the Speed Bar of all targets by up to -20%. Hydra Rifle Trooper should be equipped with either Striker or Raider ISO-8 class, Hydra Rifle Trooper is a Hydraassault trooper who overwhelmsenemies with storms of bullets, Villain, Global, Tech Blaster, Hydra, Minion. Since she is a protector it would be obvious to equip her with Fortifier ISO-8 class, but since she counterattacks a lot it might be better to equip her with either Skirmisher or Raider class. Passive ability grants Yellowjacket increased Speed by up to 20% and increased Drain by up to 25% as long as he is under the effect of Offense Up. Obviously, Swarm is almost useless in raids because of his Charged mechanics. His special ability bombards primary and adjacent targets for the small amount of damage up to 3 times. The main member of this team is Spider-Man Symbiote so it is of utmost importance to acquire him as soon as possible if you want to see the power of this team. Their healing potential is not as good, but the amount of crowd control effects and the fact that Jubilee will literally make all enemies harmless is something that makes me certain about this team and their overall potential in raids. Along with Wasp, Yellowjacket is the main damage dealer of the Pym Tech team. Yellowjackets ultimate grants him 1 Offense Up, up to a maximum of 3, and attacks primary and adjacent targets causing heavy damage. If she has 2 or more Shadowland allies, she flips up from 2 positive effects to negative on the primary target. It is important to say that if all enemies are not in Stealth, Stealth is applied to Mystique. Additionally, Blob and his Brotherhood allies are granted +50% Resistance. The safest choice is to put him in the Fortifier or the Healer class depending on circumstances but on some occasions, you can use Sam Wilson as support with every other Class. However Brotherhood of Mutants is the counter for them still but Magneot needs to open the fight with his special on Coulson. team. If the target has Slow, Black Bolt flip up to 2 negative effects on the self. But I have a lot of regular toons. Enemies killed by this ability cannot be revived. Corvus Glaive uses Stealth and Piercing to infiltrate and eliminate the Black Orders enemies. If that ally is Symbiote, it clears 1 negative effect from all other Symbiote allies with negative effects. Crystal is a member of the Inhuman royal family, whose mastery of the elements makes her a versatile Blaster. He should be equipped either with Striker ISO-8 class or with Raider class depending on his team composition. Her special causes medium damage to the primary target and also strikes 3 non-stealth additional targets as well as all stealth targets. Shockers ultimate delivers medium Piercing damage to primary and adjacent targets. Passive ability grants him 4 Charged on Spawn and 3% Dodge per Charged. Crossbones was probably the most used character in the game at the beginning. Captain Marvel is a killing machine! At the same time, she attacks her primary target causing up to 400% damage and placing Defense Down. Healer ISo-8 class is the only viable solution for Maria Hill. Her damage potential in raids is unbelievable especially since her presence means that your every attack will be under the effect of Offense Up. Custom Sure-to-Win team is the team that proved capable of defeating any other team in Arena or Alliance War. It also prolongs the duration of Bleed Slow and Offense Down by 1 turn. Silver Samurai is a Weapon X Protector who prevents the enemys healing with each strike and he charges himself while being attacked to deliver enormous damage with his Muramasa sword. Outside of the Astonishing X-Men team, Kitty is just a Protector with increased Dodge rate who removes buffs and flips Taunt but in synergy, she becomes extremely powerful especially in Raids where her potential threatens to be greater even than Anti-Venoms. The real question is why we decided to present this team when in reality we could have 2 decent teams instead of just this one? S.H.I.E.L.D. Basic - Increased Damage. If opponents dont use custom teams they will need at least 2 synergy teams of the higher power to soften your defenses. Ghost Riders price is 100 shards currently available only in Offers and Devils Pact Orbs. Taunt is his second skill and additionally Crossbones gain Counter and heal himself while taunting. Passive ability grants Assist now on Jubilee, random Astonishing X-Men ally or Wolverine on their every turn. Nobu is very expensive considering his abilities, and his price is 100 shards obtainable through Premium Orbs, Mega Orbs, and Alliance War Store. If Daredevil has 3 or more Shadowlands allies this attack cannot be blocked. Her summons are very useful and they are practically impossible to be killed while Hela is alive. This team is a combination of Brawlers synergy and Defenders synergy. He can also benefit from Raider class since almost all his attacks are AOE but the gain is not as with Skirmisher that can remove positive effects in the process. This skill cannot be countered and when it is fully upgraded Defense Down lasts 2 turns. On the Marauder allys turn, if Mister Sinister has more than 50% Health, the portion of his health is redistributed to the Marauder ally. MBaku is the noble leader of the Jabari tribe who protects his own and relentlessly assaults his enemies. His second skill summons 2 bodyguards who have taunt on themselves when summoned. Night Nurse ultimate heals all for up to 4000 Health and 15% of her Max Health and additionally applies up to 2 Regenerate to each ally. It also places Defense Up for 2 turns on all Weapon X allies providing a Barrier equal to 20% of Silver Samurais Health to each ally. Green Goblin is a vicious Villain who attacks his enemies with multiple strikes and whose attacks are much stronger if the enemy has buffs. team. Assembling a team for Doctor Doom may seem difficult since he has synergy only with Fantastic Four Heroes and you definitely dont want that main damage dealer in your team, besides Doctor Doom, is Human Torch. Anti-Venoms ultimate causes heavy damage on the primary target with 100% Drain and grants the opposite of all negative effects on the target, excluding Bleed, to Anti-Venom. Additionally, she is granted +10% Piercing damage per Charged. Also whevenr an enemy Taunts Ultimus Speed Bar is increased by up to 30%. That possibility opens numerous ways of winning against teams that could not be beaten otherwise and makes this team extremely useful in the Offense. Either this team is more useful than Astonishing X-Man or not is something that can be learned only in practice, so I will put this team in second place on our Raid Tier List before I am not sure that they deserve a better place. After the introduction of Spider-Man Symbiote, the Spider-Verse team becomes viable for Raids. It cannot be beaten by the original Brotherhood of lower power and it can prevail against X-Men sometimes. During the attack, Maria is assisted by all summoned S.H.I.E.L.D. Her first skill inflicts medium damage to the primary target and has a chance to chain to another target. Shatterstar is a Mutant Brawler who emphasizes the power of critical hits to his allies and who lower enemies defenses while increasing the defenses of his X-Factor allies. Crystals price is 100 shards obtainable in Arena Store, Hidden Potential Orbs and Royal Princes Orbs (Imperial Affairs Event reward). Mercenary Riot Guard is a tough fighter who draws fire and reduces incoming damage, Villain, City, Skill, Protector, Mercenary, Minion. Obviously, Elsas Critical Chance needs to be improved even further, therefore, she has to be equipped with Raider ISO-8 class. After the introduction of Kestrel, the X-factor team has better synergy with her than with Silver Surfer, so I suggest that you combine them with her. His passive ability makes him immune to Bleed, increases damage by up to 20%, and flips to up to 2 negative effects into positive on Human Torchs Turn. His price is 100 shards, currently obtainable through Mega Orbs, Premium Orbs, and Arena Store. team and as such, he is a legendary Hero who cannot be obtained through normal means. Her skill set is amazing by itself but when in the team with the rest of Secret Avengers + Kestrel + Nick Fury she is almost unstoppable. Squirrel Girl is an average Hero who will boost up the power of some Heroes that were avoided earlier or used in other custom teams. At this point of the game, his skill-set is literally game-changing. June 29, 2022; creative careers quiz; ken thompson net worth unix . His first ability inflicts heavy damage and provides Loki with a 30% chance to gain Evade. The potential damage output of this team is amazing and they will be the third strongest Offensive synergy team in the game (after Black Order and X-Man). Dark. Cookie Notice Besides that, he has a +10% Assist chance +10% per each Weapon X ally. Hydra controls four sectors which should help them to achieve their goal International Corporations, Government Assets, Global Criminal Groups, and Intelligence Gathering. His second skill grants him Taunt, 2 Counters and applies 2 Deflect on him and other X-Men allies (1 deflect to other allies). His second skill strikes very hard and applies 3 Bleeds on the target. Carnage ultimate delivers massive damage to the primary target and applies 2 Bleed for 2 turns (if the target is above 50% HP, applies additional Bleed). When Cull Obsidians Health drops below 75%,50%, and 25% he gains +1 Deathproof up to a maximum of 5. Maria Hill is the Secret Avengers Support who backs up her allies by calling in S.H.I.E.L.D care packages and special agents to take out high priority targets. Vision provides 2 turns Defense Up for all members at the start of combat. With the introduction of Stature, Ghost and Yellowjacket, Ant-Man and Wasp gained a new more important roles, so now only Nebula is the Hero who is sufficient in your roster. She is a natural counter for Yo-Yo and the Inhumans team. Since Asgardinas are META in Alliance War defense SIF should be unlocked asap. Her basic skill causes heavy damage against the primary target and applies Assist Now to Phyla-Vell ally. His first skill inflicts medium damage to the primary target and if that target has negative effects spread those effects to 1-2 adjacent targets and chain a small amount of damage. Kree team can be deadly in some Raids but unfortunately in Ultimus 7, it can be used only as fodder for the main team. Delivering gamma-powered justice, She-Hulk applies negative effects to her foes with every smash. Depending on the placement of ISO-8 classes on other X-Men Heroes, Psylocke should be equipped with either Skirmisher or Striker ISO-8 class. Using Minn-Erva in this team restricts you from using her in some other combinations so in worst case scenario she could be replaced with Kree Oracle buy then you will not be able to prevail against some teams that were beatable before. Heading to a Raid lane near you is the Web-Warriors team, which is made up of newcomers Ghost-Spider, Scarlet Spider, and Spider-Punk, as well as current S.T.R.I.K.E. Omega Red is a quality Hero even aside from the Weapon X team but obviously, his full potential can be reached only with his fellow members. His shards can also be gained through Mega Orbs and Premium orbs. Above all that, passive ability grants Kestrel permanently increased Health by up to 20% and an additional 20% Max Health if she has at least 1 Cosmic ally or Nick Fury, while Nick Fury himself is granted +40% Max Health. When an enemy dies Jubilee fills all Astonishing X-Men allies Speed Bar by up to 25%. The ultimate chains to up to 2 adjacent targets causing up to 250% damage, clearing up to 2 positive effects, and placing Slow. If you Astonishing X-man, Symbiots, or upcoming Secret Avengers are not strong enough for using auto-combat in Ultimus VII Level 5 that this team can be a solution for you. He also has nice speed and chance to apply a bleed to enemies. Corvus Glaive is a decent character who is nothing special if he is not in the Black Order team. The spider-verse team is very interesting and can be deadly against some teams you would never expect to be beatable by this team composition. Because of Iron Fist, Defenders can slice through some Raids without using healing packs making them very useful for this segment of the game. Hero, Cosmic, Bio, Brawler, Kree, Military. Also, he will be counter to any team with Loki and Hand Sentry because of his second skill. The team can consist of any five characters in the following lineup: Captain America, Hawkeye, Black Widow, Hulk, Thor, and Iron Man. In my opinion (besides the obvious choice of Fortifier ISO-8 class) Stature can also use the Skirmisher class with success. Additionally, Kree Cyborg has a chance to buff himself and another Kree ally with Offense Up when the enemy casts Taunt. Jubilee is the latest Legendary Hero who totally deserves that status. If Phoenix is an ally, Taunt lasts 2 turns. Rhino is meant to be a usable Tank for the Sinister Six team and although his skill-set is nothing out of ordinary he could be very useful against some META teams at the moment. Passive ability grants Iceman 1 Revive during the battle with up to 40% restored Health. Researcher is an A.I.M. All his abilities are an example of raw strength and the sole purpose of Sabretooth is to devastate anyone who opposes him. Everything is up to you and your desires. There is no Hero in the game currently who provides a greater difference in overall DPS than Omega Red. Captain Americas ultimate hits multiple targets for moderate damage and clears positive effects from primary target. Theory craft says that Spider-Man Symbiote will grant another Stun, mass Slow and decent AoE attack which is much more dangerous than before with Green Goblin. At the top of that, all Hydra Minions are recently buffed and now we have a team that will cause fear to everyone. Villain, Cosmic, Bio, Controller, Kree, Minion. This practically means that Blob will counterattack at 100% certainty when he is in the full Brotherhood team. When you upgrade his passive ability, Mercenary Soldiers damage is enhanced by 20%. This character cannot be summoned by Nobu. His passive grants him 1 Revive per combat and prolongs positive effects on him and all Tech Villains for 1 turn after every Kill. Hand Assassin is a quick attacker who prevents healing on a single target. Iron Mans main weakness is his speed but nevertheless, he has one of the highest damage outputs in the game especially if he is in the team with Power Armor Allies or Captain America. Winter Soldier is an elite Hydra agent who assaults his chosen target with deadly attacks that prevent healing. Koraths ultimate assassinate the target for 450% of his base damage, apply Heal Block, and has a chance to apply Ability Block to the target. Mantis is a cosmic healer who can stun foes and redistribute health to an injured ally. Spider-Man Symbiote also has increased dodge rate (up to 15% when fully upgraded). Villain, Cosmic, Tech, Blaster, Kree, Minion, A mercenary is an individual who fights for money. July 9, 2021 July 9, 2021 legal suite requirements bc on msf taskmaster team order. Korath price is 45 shards which can be obtained through Mega Orbs, Premium Orbs, and 5-9 Villains United campaign mission. Mordo should use either Raider or Skirmisher ISO-8 class depending on what you want to improve on him focus or the ability to place Vulnerability on multiple targets at the start of combat. Passive ability grants him Evade on every turn and heals Pym Tech ally whenever they dodge by up to 15% of Ghosts Health. Corvus ultimate attacks primary and all adjacent targets causing heavy piercing damage. Since he already has increased focus, Mordu should be equipped with Raider ISO-8 class to exploit the fact that she opens the battle with an AOE ability which will allow him to place VUlnerability on multiple targets. His first skill causes heavy damage against primary and adjacent targets. Colossus does not have serious offensive capabilities but he is almost unkillable and while he is in a team you simply cannot harm any other X-Men beside him. Because of all of the above, Doctor Stranges price is 100 shards currently obtainable in Mega Orbs, Premium Orbs, and 2.9 Mystic Campaign mission. Okoyes full potential will be reached only if she is in a full Wakandan team. However, in War Defense, along with the rest members of the team, she becomes an unsolvable enigma for any attacker. Eventually your team will Max at 10 spots total, shown in world! He must be equipped with raider ISO-8 class and everything else would be a mistake. These characters join the ever-growing roster already available in MARVEL Strike Force, including Inhumans Black Bolt and Yo-Yo! Iceman is the second new member of the Astonishing X-Men team (along with Kitty Pryde) and he has really impressive controlling abilities. Deciding what ISO-8 class is best for can be kinda tricky because she can use Healer, Skirmisher and Raider class with the same success depending on the situation. In addition the Speed Bar of all targets is reduced by up to 20%. Passive ability grants Spider-Man Symbite and all his Hero Spider-Verse and Symbiote allies increased Maximum Health. After the introduction of Crystal, this team becomes even stronger but truth to be told Invisible Woman is the Hero who will help the team much more. it is important to say that S.H.I.E.L.D. Depending on the placement of ISO-8 classes on other X-Force Heroes, Deadpool should be equipped with either Striker or Raider ISO-8 class. Asgardians proved to be a powerful team capable of dealing with almost any threat. However, all existing Kree nodes and Cosmic nodes are an easy task for Ronan and the fellowship. His first skill causes moderate piercing damage against the single target and clears up to 2 positive effects. Mercenary Lieutenant is kinda expensive. Taskmaster transforms the Mercenary team into Alliance War defensive specialists with additional synergies and a relentless Passive ability that applies Taunt to the enemy with the highest Damage each turn. If you want to save Silver Surfer for other teams in offense you will always have an option to add Jessica Jones who will be without the team once you assemble Shadowland, Heroes for Hire, and Skill Military team. Since he has 2 AOE abilities it is best to give him Raider ISO-8 class. New Warriors are incomplete at the moment, that is true, but you can assemble a powerful team that will provide both healing and damage nevertheless.